Anthropology, Theatre, and Development: The Transformative Potential of Performance

Flynn, Alex, Tinius, Jonas

ناشر: Palgrave Macmillan

برای سفارش لطفا اینجا ۰۹۳۵۳۳۹۶۲۷۸ کلیک کنید یا درصورت نیاز تماس بگیرید.
The contributors explore diverse contexts of performance to discuss peoples’ own reflections on political subjectivities, governance and development. The volume refocuses anthropological engagement with ethics, aesthetics, and politics to examine the transformative potential of political performance, both for individuals and wider collectives.

Book Specification:

Format: Hardcover

Size: 22 x 14 cm

Extent: 382 pp

Price on Request