Magnum Photobook

Carole Naggar and Fred Ritchin

ناشر: Phaidon

برای سفارش لطفا اینجا ۰۹۳۵۳۳۹۶۲۷۸ کلیک کنید یا درصورت نیاز تماس بگیرید.
This fascinating in-depth survey brings Magnum’s history alive through the genre of the photobook – an essential vehicle for photographers to share their work.

Its pages include unpublished behind-the-scenes material, together with ephemera from the photographers’ archives about the making of their books. With an introduction by Fred Ritchin and texts by Carole Naggar, this book explores the evolution of the photobook, as well as the important role that Magnum has played in the history of documentary photography.

Book Specification:

Format: Hardback

Size: 29 x 21 cm

Extent: 272 pp

Price on Request