Rembrandt. The Complete Drawings and Etchings

Peter Schatborn, Erik Hinterding


برای سفارش لطفا اینجا ۰۹۳۵۳۳۹۶۲۷۸ کلیک کنید یا درصورت نیاز تماس بگیرید.
Rembrandt’s drawings and etchings earned him unparalleled recognition from his contemporaries, capturing elusive expressions and moments in just a few strokes. In commemoration of the 350th anniversary of his death, this XXL monograph is the first-ever collection gathering Rembrandt’s complete works on paper, unveiling all 708 drawings, printed in color for the first time, and 314 etchings in brilliant reproductions.

Book Specification:

Format: Hardcover with fold-out

Size: 40 x 29 cm

Extent: 756 pp

Price on Request