Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings

Rainer Metzger, Ingo F. Walther


برای سفارش لطفا اینجا ۰۹۳۵۳۳۹۶۲۷۸ کلیک کنید یا درصورت نیاز تماس بگیرید.
Meet Vincent van Gogh, the tortured genius of 19th-century art. This lush tome collects all his 871 paintings, alongside writings and essays, charting the life and work which continues to tower over art to this day. From Sunflowers, The Starry Night, to Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear: celebrate an artist uniquely dexterous in the representation of texture and mood, light and place.

Book Specification:

Format: Hardcover

Size: 27 x 21 cm

Extent: 740 pp

Price on Request